08:45 | Welcome Desk & Registration (08:45 - 15:45) |
09:15 |
09:15 - 11:15 - Room Hörsaal FH 2
Session 5 - Business Analytics, Ontologies and the Semantic Web & Data Management and Quality
11:15 | Coffee-Break (11:15 - 12:00) |
11:15 |
11:15 - 12:15 - Studierraum
Posters Session 2
12:15 |
12:15 - 13:15 - Room Hörsaal FH 5
Invited Talk
Big Data and The Customer Decision Journey
Matt Hertig, Co-Founder & Managing Partner of Alight Analytics, Inc, U.S.A.
13:15 | Lunch (13:15 - 14:30) |
14:30 |
14:30 - 15:30 - Room Hörsaal FH 5
Keynote Lecture
The Geometry and Topology of Data Analysis
Herbert Edelsbrunner, IST, Austria
15:30 |
15:30 - 15:45 - Room Hörsaal FH 5
Closing Session
15:45 | Farewell Drink (15:45 - 16:15) |