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Demonstrations provide researchers and practitioners with an exciting and interactive opportunity to present their systems, artifacts and/or research prototypes, either at a regular session or at the technical exhibition. In any case, it is required to avoid a commercial format, even if the demo consists of presenting a business product or service. Instead, the presentation should focus on technical aspects.
Any written support materials may be distributed locally but not published in the proceedings. Authors who already present a paper at the conference may apply for a demonstration, to complement but not to replace their paper presentation. Demonstrations can also be made by sponsor companies or as a mixed initiative involving researchers and industrial partners.
Demonstrations are based on an informal setting that encourages presenters and participants to engage in discussions about the presented work. This is an opportunity for the participants to disseminate practical results of their research and to network with other applied researchers or business partners.

Concerning the format of the demo, we can accommodate it either as a demonstration in a booth (physical area of 4 sq. meter, with a table and 2 chairs) at the exhibition area, as a poster or as a 20 min oral presentation at a session especially set up for demonstrations. It is also possible to organize the presentation of the same demo in more than one format. Please contact the event secretariat.


A Framework for Management of Complex Neurophysiological Data Sets


Massimiliano Novelli
University of Pittsburgh
United States
Neurophysiology research often involves acquiring and managing a large amount of data from multiple sources and systems. Raw data are acquired in multiple formats with many different attributes. During experiments in our lab, we acquire data during multiple recording sessions. Each session encompasses multiple trials, producing up to 100GB of data each. Data collected includes microelectrode recordings of individual neurons, recording of muscle and whole nerve activity, stimulation patterns, body kinematics and kinetics, control signals and feedback from multiple systems, analog and digital events, as well as videos and still images. Acquisition rates range from a few Hertz to 500kHz.
In an effort to manage the variety, volume, and structure of the data, we are building a new system that inherits features from previous experience in data management, has a foundation of openness, flexibility, platform-independence, and includes big data approaches and methodologies. In this demonstration, we will show our progress towards development of this Multipurpose Data Framework (MDF). We will present the current status of the project, the tool’s functionalities, and give a live demonstration. We would like to collect constructive feedback on possible improvements, desired functionality, and potential use cases within this field as well as others.

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